PLEASE READ - Joshuaa Shaun COVID-19 Statement

Wednesday 18th March 2020

The last few days have been extremely overwhelming and scrolling through Instagram seeing so many of our fellow independents having to make such tough decisions has really had us thinking over what we should do. We have decided that for the foreseeable future, and until there is direction from the government telling us to close, we will remain open for appointments.

We are an industry built on creating confidence and making people feel better and we would like to continue doing so for as long as we can. We would like to reassure clients that we are committed to protecting our working environment and the wellbeing of our customers and staff. 

We are taking extra precautions and have gone above and beyond to make sure the salon maintains the highest level of hygiene and cleanliness.

This includes:

  • Disinfecting every section and chair after each visit.

  • Disinfecting all equipment after each use with Barbicide (hospital grade sanitiser) at each section.

  • We already use disposable towels, meaning ever towel is brand new and personal to the client.

  • Hand sanitiser is available and tissues at each station should you need them.

  • Disposable drinking cups are available, and we have removed all magazines for the time being

  • Door handles are regularly sanitised

We ask any clients who are feeling unwell or have visited any of the affected countries within the last 14 days to cancel and rearrange any appointments they may have with us.

In the event that we are told to close our doors, you can purchase vouchers for future use in the salon. As a small business, closing doesn’t come without costs. If you would like to help us return once the outbreak is contained, please consider buying a voucher to be used when we re-open.

Thank you for your support,

Josh, Laura and Stacey.